Adjusting and AC

I’m writing this with working AC flowing in my room. It makes such a huge difference. The funny thing is, I’ve been sleeping better anyways even without the fixed unit. It reminds me that the ability to adapt quickly is one of the biggest blessings we can have. Last night was the first night I could’ve used cool air, but I decided (mostly for the sake of the electricity bill) to stick with me and the ole fan. I didn’t start sweating till five a.m., which is a huge improvement. It’s my firm belief that prayer is a huge reason for that as well.

Yesterday, with the help of a colleague’s Hindi, the AC guys finally managed to understand where I live and said they would come when I got off work on Saturday. They arrived motorbike helmets in hand, and I showed them into my room. At this point, I had no idea what proper protocol was: do I stay and make sure everything’s ok? Is it bad for me to be in the room with them?

I showed them what I assumed was an easy fix: the knob to switch it on and off was broken. As I stepped back, I planned on them being there maybe fifteen minutes tops. Suddenly though, they began to rip the AC out of my wall. I left the room.

Close to an hour later, I had seated a chair halfway in the doorway so I could kind of watch what was going on in case I needed to testify in court. At one point, I came back in and asked if they needed anything like water. They looked at me like a crazy person and eventually just said no.

When they removed the unit, several chunks fell out of the wall (given, by wall I mean the thin wood plank and slathered on plaster that surrounded it). Now there are gaping holes and spaces. The reason this sort of worried me is that early every morning some sort of creature comes to the AC, makes weird noses and scratches, and I imagined this creature climbing into my room. Maybe it could be my new pet? I did already name it Tuki.

As the men were leaving, they asked for newspaper, I gave them some nice issues of Times of India, and they proceeded to stuff it into some of the larger spaces. And such is India……


You can sort of see the holes and the newspaper on the right side.

I can feel myself falling again for this part of the world. People are right when they say sometimes it’s a love/hate relationship with this country.

My first day in the office (half day, Saturday) was great. All we have to do is cross a large busy road, scuttle down a bustling street, pass the monkey trying to grab me from the auto, and we’re there. The office itself is cool, fresh, and open. I’m so excited to be there. After work, J took us to have some street snacks. I tried gulabe for the first time: a hollow fried ball stuffed with potatoes, sweet and spicy sauces, and a green liquid. You have to eat it all at once or it will pop and dribble all over your face. So delicious! I had three! The best part is they cost only cents.

So, I’m adjusting. AC or no AC. Weaving through traffic on foot and not getting killed (I’m still very clumsy, this worries me). The amazing food. And more to come, good and bad, I know.

But this is Incredible India, and I’m on board for that ride.

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5 thoughts on “Adjusting and AC

  1. Interesting…so you are already relishing the sights and sounds of India. Happy adjusting!

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